What is a Film/Photography Permit?  

A wide range of filming at Cruden Farm may require a permit, including student, professional, commercial, community and not-for-profit productions, as well as still photography.

A Film/Photography Permit ensures that Cruden Farm is used safely and ensures that any disruption to visitors and staff is minimal. It allows for Cruden Farm to be managed effectively and means that anyone who may potentially be impacted can be notified.

A Film/Photography Permit is required for:


  • Commercial filming/photography
  • Advertising filming/photography
  • Not-for-profit filming/photography
  • Student film/photography projects
  • Wedding filming/photography
  • Professional filming/photography


In assessing applications, Cruden Farm considers a range of issues: Cruden Farm’s responsibilities under its insurance policies, the impact on public amenity and risks to safety and security, particularly activities that might impact on Cruden Farm’s liability risk exposure.  The potential impact on the gardens and farm environment is also assessed, as are operational issues; such as planned Cruden Farm activities, access to areas usually restricted to staff and the availability of staff to supervise filming and photography.

If your planned activities are complex, please contact Cruden Farm as soon as possible and before submitting your application form, to discuss the project in person. We recommend that you arrange a meeting with key staff members at Cruden Farm before you submit your application for a Permit. Any supporting documentation should be submitted with the application.

The Cruden Farm Filming and Photography Permit Application includes extra dates for us to hold on your behalf in case of bad weather on your preferred dates. Please let us know in advance about any other factors that may create alternatives to your filming date or key locations.

Once it is submitted, Cruden Farm will assess your application and talk to the staff about your project. We will let you know the response and the fees via email as soon as possible.

Successful permits will be subject to Cruden Custodian Limited’s standard terms and conditions linked here.

Website by Work Art Life & The Mighty Wonton